Within the secular world, as well as Christian communities, there are many false beliefs surrounding eternity. Similar to old wives’ tales, many of these beliefs are rooted in old sayings or old thought processes rather than the Bible.
When we are trying to learn more about eternity, we need to turn to the Bible. Only the Bible will be able to provide us with everything we need to know, including the events of eternity (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
If you have heard a few misleading things concerning eternity, know that you are in the right place. Since there are many false beliefs about eternity in the world, it is important to address them and correct them.
If we hold onto an incorrect view of eternity, it can impact our walk with Christ now as well as our view of eternity. While there would not be enough room to address them all, here are five myths about eternity that are not biblical.
1. Everyone Goes to Heaven
One myth about eternity is that everyone goes to heaven. There are many people who believe the false notion that all people will go to heaven when they die, regardless of whether they placed faith in Jesus or not.
The Bible clearly tells us that we have to place faith in Jesus in order to be saved (Acts 16:31). If a person never places faith in Christ during their life, they will not go to heaven when they die.
Instead of going to heaven and then the New Heaven and New Earth, they will go to hell, and their ultimate destination will be the lake of fire (Revelation 19-20).
With this in mind, it is important to know that not everyone will spend eternity with God. A person can only spend eternity with Him if they place faith in His Son, Jesus.
Only through placing faith in Jesus can a person be forgiven of their sins, given redemption, and given eternal life.
Despite many schools of thought claiming otherwise, the Bible clearly tells us that not everyone will go to heaven. Only those who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior will spend eternity with Him.
This should lead us to movement as believers. We should want to help everyone come to know Christ. While we cannot make anyone accept Christ, we can share the gospel.
In fact, this is what Jesus has commanded us to do, and we find this teaching in the form of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
Instead of allowing this to sadden us, we need to use it as a call to action and a motivator to help more people hear the Gospel.
2. There Is No Hell or Lake of Fire
A second myth about eternity that is not biblical is that there is no hell or Lake of Fire. There are many Christians who do not believe in the reality of hell or the Lake of Fire. This is very dangerous because it can lead to many other false beliefs.
The Bible clearly tells us that if a person does not place faith in Jesus, they will not go to be with Him in heaven. Common arguments are that unbelievers will be annihilated or that all people will go to Heaven as long as they are devoted to their belief system.
Neither of these arguments are valid. Jesus spoke more about hell during His earthly ministry than He did about heaven. The Lake of Fire is also a real reality that will occur for everyone who does not place faith in Jesus.
While many people argue that a loving God could not send anyone to hell or to the Lake of Fire, we have to acknowledge the truth that we send ourselves. The choice is up to us as individuals, and if we fail to make the right choice, we have decided on our eternal destination.
3. We Are Going to Stay in Heaven Forever
A third myth about eternity that is not biblical is that we are going to stay in heaven forever. For believers, it is important to know this truth. Heaven does not endure forever, as God will make everything new.
This means that the present earth and the present heaven will be destroyed. God will create a New Heaven and New Earth, which will be the home of righteousness (2 Peter 3:13).
In other words, heaven is not our final destination. Rather, our final destination is found in the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21).
In this forever home, we will never have to fear sin, death, or pain again. All sin will be eradicated, and we will live in perfect unity with God and our fellow believers. This is a beautiful truth that can fill our hearts up with hope when we are weary.
4. We Will Become Angels
A fourth myth about eternity that is not biblical is that we will become angels when we die. During an undergrad class, one of my professors was talking to a student about how his loved one who passed away did not become an angel when she died.
My fellow peers had grown up with the idea that once someone died, they would become an angel and watch down on others from heaven. Many of us can relate to our peers as many of us are taught the same thing or a similar teaching.
Despite this being a popular view, it is not biblical. We do not become angels when we die, nor do we stay angels throughout eternity. Angels are spirit beings created by God. They are angels and will forever stay angels just as we are humans, and we will always stay humans.
When we pass away, we obtain our heavenly body. At the time of the rapture, we will receive our glorified body. Our glorified body is the body we will have for all eternity (1 Corinthians 15:42-49).
Nowhere in the Bible are we told that we will become angels. This is a myth about eternity that needs to be taken away because it only causes problems for those within the Christian community as well as those outside.
Many individuals outside the church also believe in other incorrect views of angels, guardian angels, and the false belief that we will become angels when we die.
As believers, we do not need to live in accordance with this false view — we need to speak out against this myth as well as all of the other myths.
5. There Is No Eternity
A fifth mutt about eternity that is not biblical is that there is no eternity. While this might sound confusing, it is a view many people believe.
Rather than there being a heaven, a New Heaven and New Earth, hell, or the Lake of Fire, many people believe there is nothing to happen in eternity.
Instead of everyone having a final destination, there is no eternity. In other words, there are no people, no God, and no forever.
This alone could cause much depression and downcast hearts. Thankfully, this is not biblical, as we have the hope of eternity. We can look forward to eternity knowing that we will be with our Savior and Lord.
This world can get us down, and we will face many hard times, but eternity is something we can eagerly look forward to. Eternity with the Lord is real and something that will be a true blessing.
Everyone who places faith in Jesus will also spend eternity with Him and live with Him forever. There is no greater blessing than being with the Lord for all eternity.
For further reading:
Why Do All Christians Seek a Homeland?
Does Salvation Affect More Than Just Eternity?
Can Christians Be Afraid of What Eternity Will Hold?
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