6 Uplifting Prayers for Changing Seasons in Life

Contributing Writer
Updated Sep 04, 2024
6 Uplifting Prayers for Changing Seasons in Life

Change is inevitable in life. We grow older and see things differently than we did before. Friends move away. Teens graduate and go to college, often leaving home for the first time. People get married and have children. We say goodbye to loved ones who die.  

Although we will all continue to experience shifts in life, we are not always ready for new seasons. These times can feel unsteady. Even if the change is positive and invites new opportunities, there can also be a sense of loss at seeing previous chapters of life end. Sometimes, the new season is not welcome at all. We long for the past but can never relive it because people, places, and circumstances are gone or have changed.  

1 Peter 5:7

Whether we are excited or sorrowful about change, we can take our feelings to God in prayer. He wants us to talk to Him as if we were close friends. As we pray about facing new seasons in life, we can trust that He hears and cares (1 Peter 5:7).   

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." - 1 Timothy 5:7

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Serious man on phone in the fall setting boundary

1. A Prayer for Perspective

We often cannot see the full picture of what is happening in life. Changes come and we only see disruption or opportunity. We fail to comprehend how God is using the shift of circumstances. Yet, the Lord is always working for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He can take the joyful changes as well as the ones that cause us discomfort and use them for His glory.  

During new seasons in life, we can pray for God to help us develop perspective of the changes, to help us see things more from His view. This does not mean denying our emotions or pretending things have not changed. Rather, we ask the Lord to help us approach seasons in life with a perspective grounded in His Word.  

The examples of prayers in the Bible show us that we can be honest and raw when talking to God while also redirecting our focus to His will. Our Savior did this in Gethsemane. He knew what was coming, that He would be brutally treated and crucified. Yet, He sought the Father’s will instead of His own (Matthew 26:36-46). We can do the same as we express how we feel in prayer and commit ourselves to following the Lord.  

God of every season, 
I do not fully understand why the circumstances in my life are occurring. Please help me to see from Your perspective and to grow in my understanding based on Your Word. But even if You do not give me the full picture until later or in eternity, give me the strength to trust You with the changes. 

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Fall mom and daughter taking walk in nature

2. A Prayer for Guidance

A question that employers commonly ask job applicants during interviews is, “Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?” For many people, this is simple to answer since they have a detailed plan to reach their goals. Others, though, can struggle to know what to do. Sure, they have goals, but life can be unpredictable at times. Having a detailed, charted map of the future is not always possible or obtainable.  

Proverbs 3:5-6

This is especially true if a person encounters an unexpected life change. When someone receives a chronic health diagnosis, transitions into caring for elderly parents, or loses a job, he or she can struggle to know what to do next. Everything that had been planned is now in disarray.  

During these times, we are wise to seek guidance from our Lord. The unexpected situations in our lives do not take Him by surprise since He remains Sovereign even when everything around us is out of control. We can turn to Him in prayer to seek direction about what to do and how to move forward. As Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”  

This new season of life has left me questioning what to do, Lord. My plans and goals all seem scattered now. I pray that You will guide me according to Your perfect plan because I do not know how to move forward. May Your will be done above all else. 
In Jesus’ name, 

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Depressed woman thinking sad at window fall

3. A Prayer Asking for God's Peace

Entering new phases of life can feel unsettling. We long for peace in the situation as we learn to adjust to the changes. Yet, the serenity we seek can be difficult to obtain if we attempt to manufacture it on our own. We need a peace that lasts regardless of if we are experiencing hardship or a positive change.  

Jesus can give us the peace for which we so desperately yearn during transitions. He is the Prince of Peace and has promised to give us His peace (Isaiah 9:6; John 14:27). This is not the calmness that the world promises, which is contingent on when things are going well, but an inner contentment and joy that remains despite the situations around us. The peace our Savior imparts is long-lasting and unshakeable.  

John 14:27

When we encounter a new season in life, we can ask God to give us His peace to sustain and encourage us. Our questions may remain, and the situation could still be difficult to adapt to, but we will have the presence of our Savior, who gives us the ability to be content no matter our circumstances (Philippians 4:11-13).  

Grant me peace during this time of transition. Change is often difficult, and I am trying to adjust to this new rhythm. Please help me to experience the peace that You promise in Your Word so that I may be content no matter what situations I face. 

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4. A Prayer for Making the Most of Every Opportunity

Although new phases in life can sometimes be unwelcome, they can also bring new opportunities. God can use these times to get us out of our comfort zones and to grow as His disciples. A change in situation could spur us onto greater maturity in our faith and challenge us to reach out to others in ways we had not otherwise considered.  

The Apostle Paul told the believers in Colossae to “make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5, NIV). We are wise to obey this verse and redeem the time we have been given. Circumstances are often out of our control, but how we use them is not. We can leverage new seasons to serve the Lord and bring Him glory.  

Considering the context of Paul’s statement to the Colossians, we also need to be aware that our lives are a testimony to a watching world (Colossians 4:5-6). Those around us who have not yet placed faith in Christ can see the way we live and be drawn to faith by our love and steadfast hope in God. We should not forget that how we respond to shifts in our circumstances is not only an opportunity for growth but also a way to testify to the grace of Jesus.  

I do not want to miss what You are cultivating in my life by bringing changes. May I be open to what You are doing in and through me. Use everything I have to help others experience Your love so that they, too, may worship and glorify You. 

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Woman walking in an autumn wood

5. A Prayer Expressing Grief

Certain shifts in life are painful, like facing a serious health crisis or losing a loved one. Even positive milestones can be tinged with grief, since beginning a new adventure often means the end of another. Regardless of if a person is just starting out or is elderly, the closing of past seasons is often sorrowful.  

The Lord wants us to be honest with Him about how we feel because He desires a close relationship with us. Scripture is filled with authentic prayers, including ones that express feelings like anger and grief (for example, see Psalm 13 and 109). Taking up our own lament during changing seasons can help us stay connected to the Lord even when sorrow makes us want to turn away.   

Psalm 13:5

If I am honest, God, I do not like that things around me are changing. I feel sad that a chapter in my life is ending and that things can never be as they once were. There are many things I have had to say goodbye to, and my heart is heavy. Yet, despite the pain, I will “trust in Your unfailing love” and rejoice in the salvation You have given me (Psalm 13:5, NIV). In Jesus’ name, 

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6. A Prayer of Thanksgiving

A truth we can cling to even when everything else is uncertain is that God remains the same (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8). He is with us in the good and bad times (Hebrews 13:5). His love for us is unchanging. We will never encounter a situation where the Lord is not with us and working for our good. For this, we can give thanks in any season.

Our prayers can express our emotions about change and requests for His help and peace, but we should also include praise and thanksgiving. Scripture encourages us to give thanks in every situation (1 Thessalonians 5:18). And we should, because no matter what the future holds, we have the promise of everlasting life in Christ who died for us and rose again. He is the reason we can have hope and joy.  

May the words of Psalm 118:1 become our own: 

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”

You remain good, loving, and faithful regardless of my situation. Thank You for saving me and giving me an amazing future with You forever. You alone are worthy, O God, of all praise and honor. In every season, may I exalt You. 

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Sophia BrickerSophia Bricker is a writer. Her mission is to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus through thoughtful articles, devotionals, and stories. She completed a BA and MA in Christian ministry, which included extensive study of the Bible and theology, and an MFA in creative writing. You can follow her blog about her story, faith, and creativity at The Cross, a Pen, and a Page.

Originally published Wednesday, 04 September 2024.