When I was growing up, churches used to have deliverance services. During these services, they would pray for the sick, and occasionally someone who was demon-possessed would attend. When it was clear someone had a demon they would pray and cast the demon out of that person. These were real face-to-face encounters with spiritual warfare. These types of services seem to happen less frequently, and it feels like we have put an unfamiliar face on what spiritual warfare is. This causes me to ask how seriously Christians need to take spiritual warfare. The answer lies in looking at Scripture, and believing what God has said.
How seriously do Christians need to take spiritual warfare?
Here are five reasons Christians need to take spiritual warfare seriously:
1. Our adversary is real.
In years past, our culture attempted to turn the devil into a cartoon character. Whenever someone was tempted, the white angel appeared on one shoulder and the red devil with a pitchfork on the other. These types of images caused many to doubt the reality of Satan, even though they gave credence (no matter how small) to the reality of spiritual warfare. Someone said the greatest trick Satan ever pulled off was convincing people he does not exist. Well, times are shifting in our culture. A 2020 Barna Research Group poll found that more people (56 percent) believe in Satan than in God (51 percent). The rise of belief in Satan coupled with the decline in the belief in God all point to spiritual warfare. Consider this verse:
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” - 2 Corinthians 4:4
We are experiencing this right before our eyes, as Satan is blinding and deceiving unbelievers and some believers, too. This is clear evidence of our adversary at work, and the reason Christians need to take spiritual warfare seriously.
2. The Bible declares we are in spiritual warfare.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” - Ephesians 6:12
The Bible does not mince words with spiritual warfare. We are in the midst of a battle. We know who our enemy and his demons are. We may not see them with our natural eyes, but there is a battle that takes place in the heavenly realms. God has inserted Christians into the battle. That’s why the answer to the question of how seriously Christians need to take spiritual warfare is: very seriously. We are in this fight with an enemy who is trying to hurt us, so we better take spiritual warfare seriously.
This Scripture also points to another reality of spiritual warfare many Christians are missing. We have made people our adversaries, and when we do, we miss the root of the problem. If you are a gardener (which I am not ashamed to admit I am not), you know if you simply pull up a weed, you have only temporarily addressed your issue. As long as the root exists, that weed is going to grow back. This is the mistake some Christians have made in spiritual warfare. We are attacking other people. They are not the problem. They may be the symptom, but they are not the cause.
There is a spiritual battle in place, and we need to recognize it. Christians need to take spiritual warfare seriously because when we don’t, we play right into the devil’s hands. We focus our energy on fighting each other when we should be fighting him. Your fight is not with your family, friend, neighbor, church member, or political adversary. Those are the ones Satan has deceived you into thinking are your enemy. When he does this, he has successfully distracted you from your real adversary, which is him. We must recognize what, or rather who is influencing culture, and begin our warfare there. Anything else is a fruitless distraction.
3. God has given us armor.
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” - Ephesians 6:13
If we want more evidence of how seriously Christians need to take spiritual warfare, just think about this truth. God has given us armor and weapons because we are preparing for and engaging in battle. What sense does it make to have weapons just for the fun of it? God has given us armor and weapons because he intends for us to use them. If we are going to take spiritual warfare seriously, we need to become familiar with our armor and our weapons. We need to know how to use them.
4. Jesus engaged in spiritual warfare
One thing we can point to that highlights why Christians need to take spiritual warfare seriously, is that Jesus engaged in it. The Gospel accounts tell of Jesus dealing directly with Satan and demonic activity. There were different times when Jesus encountered people who were demon-possessed. This gives validity to the existence of Satan and to the reality of spiritual warfare. However, it does not stop there. Jesus expected us to engage in this warfare and gave us the authority to do so. Jesus sent out the twelve apostles (Matthew 10), and 72 disciples two by two (Luke 10), with the authority to cast out demons. As believers, Jesus has given us the same authority. His Spirit lives in us. This does not mean everyone has a demon in them, but as you engage in spiritual warfare, you have permission to exercise your authority.
5. If we don’t take spiritual warfare seriously, there will be casualties.
There will be casualties in any war. In ancient times, wars were fought on battlefields, so casualties were the highest among the armies fighting each other. In modern warfare, like the war happening in Ukraine, the battlefields are cities and many people who are not military become part of the battle. This leads not only to military casualties but civilian ones as well.
Spiritual warfare is more like modern warfare. There is nowhere you can run to escape the battle. People may not even be aware a war is happening, but can still become victims of it. That’s why Christians need to take spiritual warfare seriously. We are not just fighting for ourselves, our home, and our family, but we are fighting for those who don’t even know they are in a battle.
One last word on spiritual warfare.
Spiritual warfare is real, and as Christians, we need to take spiritual warfare seriously. The stakes in this conflict are high, and we are the only ones who have the authority not only to battle in this space but to win in this space. Jesus has filled us with the Holy Spirit. He has given us armor, weapons, and the authority to use them. What’s left is to recognize the battle and engage. We are in a fight with an actual enemy, who can be defeated, but this will only happen when we step up and participate. What are we waiting for?
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