How the Holy Spirit Impacts Your Life in 8 Remarkable Ways

Mike Leake

I’ve been on this kick of listening to music from the 80’s and 90’s. When I was prompted with this title, I couldn’t help but think about that Janet Jackson song, “What Have You Done For Me Lately.” I doubt many of us would be so bold to ask this question of the Spirit, but I do wonder if it’s not an unasked question bubbling under the surface for many of us. 

In some traditions, you’re aware of the Spirit’s movement when you come to church every Sunday. Many of our songs speak about the Spirit coming in fire and rain and so many other natural disasters—but we also want to make sure He knows that He’s welcome in this place. You might say that the Holy Spirit does “everything!”

In other traditions, you’ve maybe not heard about the Spirit for a few months. You know that the Spirit is a member of the Trinity, you know that Jesus spoke about sending the Spirit, and you know about the Spirit’s work in Acts, but today…? Well, what does the Spirit do today? You know the Spirit is working and moving, but what exactly is He doing? 

Both groups can benefit from meditating on specific things that the Spirit does. Saying that the Spirit does “everything” might be so far-reaching that you miss the very specific and unique things that the Spirit does. If you extend His work too far into unspecified waters, it becomes a little muddy. And for those who don’t talk much about the Spirit, you’ll benefit from realizing how much the Spirit does even if you don’t see His work. 

Here are eight things the Spirit does for us.  

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1. The Spirit Guides and Teaches

Jesus told the disciples that when He departed, the Spirit would come as a Helper to lead them into all truth and to remind them of what He taught. The Spirit is working behind the scenes, providing instruction, illuminating the Word, and helping us understand divine truth.

I appreciate how J.I. Packer speaks of the Spirit like a floodlight. He is always shining a spotlight on Jesus. He likens it to a floodlight, which illuminates in the dark. He says it this way:

The Holy Spirit’s distinctive new covenant role, then, is to fulfill what we may call a floodlight ministry in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ. So far as this role was concerned, the Spirit “was not yet” (John 7:39, literal Greek) while Jesus was on earth; only when the Father had glorified him (see John 17:1, 5) could the Spirit’s work of making men aware of Jesus’ glory begin.[1]

Do you understand your Bible? Are you able to progress in theology and an understanding of who God is? Are you increasing in your knowledge of Christ? That’s one thing the Spirit has done for you lately.

[1] J.I. Packer, Keeping in Step with the Spirit: Finding Fullness in Our Walk with God, 2nd ed. (GR: Baker, 2005), p. 57
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2. The Spirit Empowers and Strengthens

In the OT, the Spirit often " came upon” a person and empowered them for a specific task. It was by the power of the Spirit that Samson could slay enemies. But then, we are left to infer that the Spirit would leave until it is needed to empower and strengthen again. But in the New Testament, the Spirit indwells believers—and He does this in power and strength

This was part of what Jesus promised in Acts 1:8. He told the disciples that they would receive power when the Spirit came upon them and enable them to be His witnesses everywhere they went. The Spirit’s empowerment enabled them to share the gospel in spite of persecution. What we see in the book of Acts is the work of the Spirit. We call it the Acts of the Apostles, but it really should be called the Acts of the Spirit. It’s through His power that it all happens. 

The Spirit works in the same way for us today. He not only strengthens us for ministry but also builds us up personally, giving us inner strength and fortitude to handle the difficulties of life. Paul prays in Ephesians 3:16 that believers would be strengthened in their inner being. Are you encouraged in Christ? Have you done any ministry? Have you shared the gospel with someone? Have you been able to endure being held up in difficult circumstances? That is something the Spirit has done for you lately. 

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3. The Spirit Gives Comfort and Peace

This is similar to inner strengthening, but the Spirit gives us comfort and peace that transcends understanding. Jesus referred to the Spirit as the Comforter. That means He would come alongside us and encourage and give comfort and peace throughout life. The Spirit’s presence is not only a temporary comfort but a constant companion. Part of the work of peace is connected to the Spirit’s work of guiding us into all truth. This peace is more than emotional comfort. It is also transformative. Philippians 4:7 shows us how the Spirit gives us the peace of God, which transcends all understanding. 

Have you been comforted in a difficult situation? Do you have peace when everything around you feels like it’s unstable? That is something the Spirit has done for you lately. 

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4. The Spirit Brings Conviction and Sanctification

We might not be as excited about this, but it’s vital. This is something the Spirit does with unbelievers as well as believers. The Spirit convicts the world in regard to righteousness and judgment. The same is true for believers. When we do things against God’s holiness, the Spirit is grieved within us. The Spirit brings a sense of conviction to help us become more like Christ. The Spirit convicts and shapes us into Christ-likeness. 

Have you experienced conviction for sin? Are you growing in holiness? Are you learning more and more about God’s will for your life? This is something the Spirit has done for you lately. 

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5. The Spirit Intercedes for Us

In Romans 8:26-27 Paul discusses the Spirit’s help for us in our weakness. The Spirit literally intercedes for us when we don’t have words to say. When we are speechless, the Spirit gives words to our groan. He groans on our behalf. And when the Spirit prays, we know for sure that He is heard—because we know the Spirit always prays in accordance with the Father’s will. 

I’m not sure how to close this one up with those questions. The reality is that we don’t even know what the Spirit is doing here. It’s groans and words that we don’t even understand. Maybe I could say, “Have you been held up, and things haven’t entirely unraveled in your life? Have you had One stand between you and pray for exactly what you need”? Well, that’s the work of the Spirit. 

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6. The Spirit Gives Assurance and Is the Seal of Salvation

Romans 8:16 tells us that the Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. This one is a little complex to explain—it’s simply that we know that we know. The Spirit does this work within our hearts, where He encourages us, gives us encouragement, and gives us assurance that we indeed have a relationship with God. 

Ephesians 1:13-14 speaks of the Spirit as a seal. In many ways, the presence of the Spirit in our lives is evidence and seal of our salvation. There are things that only the Spirit of God can produce in someone. The Spirit does not indwell unbelievers. Therefore, seeing the Spirit in our life—or in the life of others—is an assurance and a seal of salvation. 

Do you have assurance that you are “in Christ”? Do you see the Spirit’s work in your life, and does this encourage you and give you assurance that you do indeed know Christ? This is what the Spirit has done for you lately. 

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7. The Spirit Produces Fruit

In Galatians 5, Paul contrasts the fruit of the Spirit with the desires of the flesh. The Spirit produces certain qualities in our life: “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” It’s interesting to note that this “fruit” isn’t in the plural but in the singular. It’s as if it is one giant piece of fruit that has all of these luscious qualities. Really, what the Spirit is doing is making us more like Christ. 

Do you see love, joy, peace, and all of these things in your life? That only comes through the Spirit. This is another thing the Spirit has done for you lately. 

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8. The Spirit Gives Us Spiritual Gifts

Technically, we would say that Christ gave us these spiritual gifts—but He does it through the means of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 refers to these as a “manifestation of the Spirit given for the common good.” The Spirit is the one who divvies out these gifts and is the one who animates them. This is why they are called spiritual gifts. This is another way in which the Spirit encourages us and empowers us. Our spiritual gifts are for the edification of the body. 

Have you been encouraged by another believer? Have you been able to do ministry yourself? Are there things that you are passionate about doing for the kingdom of God and find yourself having almost a supernatural ability to do things? This is the work of the Spirit. And this is another thing which the Spirit has done for you lately. 

We might say that the gospel is the A-Z of the Christian life. The gospel is the foundation for everything that we do. But we aren’t able to see, apply, or proclaim the gospel apart from the work of the Spirit. Therefore, we might be able to say that the Spirit is the A-Z of the Christian life. (That’s not to conflate the Spirit with the gospel). The Spirit is always at work in your life, even if you do not see Him working. If you have anything of value happening or being produced in your walk with Christ, the Spirit is involved. 

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