5 Lies Christians Believe about the Unpardonable Sin

Contributing Writer
Published Jun 21, 2024
5 Lies Christians Believe about the Unpardonable Sin

There are many lies circulating in the world today surrounding the unforgivable, unpardonable sin. Within the past few years, there was a social media trend on TikTok that featured the  “unpardonable sin challenge.” Challenges such as this on social media shows how far removed the world is from Jesus and a proper understanding of the Bible. To think it is “cool” to try to commit the unpardonable sin is heartbreaking as well as it shows how unknowledgeable the present generation is of the Bible. 

The unpardonable or unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The main references of the unpardonable sin are found in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32. When we look specifically at Matthew 12:30-32, we see the Lord speaking and He says, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.”

Surrounding the context of Matthew 12, we see the Pharisees trying to claim Jesus is Beelzebul, the prince of demons. In other words, the Pharisees were accusing Jesus of being possessed by a demon and what was at work in Him was from the devil. The Lord turns the tables and tells the Pharisees that they have spoken blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. They thought they were being holy and upright, but they were actually committing a sin that cannot be forgiven. This is the unpardonable sin and it will never be forgiven in this age or in the age to come. 

Now that we know what the unpardonable sin is, we can dismantle any and all lies about it. Here are five lies about the unpardonable sin.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Tinnakorn Jorruang 

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jesus and pharisees unforgivable sin

Lie #1: The Unforgivable Can Be Committed Today

One of the biggest lies circulating today about the uunforgivable sin is that it can be committed today. From what the Bible tells us in Mark 3:22-30 and Matthew 12:22-32, the unpardonable sin can only occur when Jesus is walking on the earth. Since the Lord is not currently walking on the earth, the unpardonable sin cannot happen in the present day. Despite many people thinking they have committed the unpardonable sin, they actually haven't. 

In order to commit the unpardonable sin, one must do what the Pharisees did. The Pharisees blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, which happened when Jesus was walking on the earth. Rather than accepting the miracles and the healing of the demon-possessed, the Pharisees accused Jesus of having a demon in Him. In other words, the Pharisees practically told Jesus He was a demon, and the Holy Spirit’s work was of the devil. 

Jesus tells the Pharisees that every sin committed against Him will be forgiven, but no sin against the Holy Spirit will ever be forgiven (Matthew 12:22-32). The Pharisees are living out the consequences of their sin today in hell as they rejected Jesus and blasphemed the Holy Spirit. For those such as this, there is no redemption. They have repeatedly rejected Jesus and spoken badly of the Holy Spirit.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Vladi333 

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woman holding up hand to indicate "no," why people reject christianity

Lie #2: The Unforgivable Sin Can Refer to Any Blasphemy

The unpardonable sin is one specific sin. It does not refer to many sins nor is it a sin we can commit today. Rather, it refers directly to when a person blasphemies the Holy Spirit. Cursing, stealing, and lying are all forgivable sins, yet the unpardonable sin is not forgivable. This shows us how severe of a sin it is. 

All sin is horrible and equal; however, from the Bible, we can ascertain blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the worst sin imaginable. Since it is the only sin that is unpardonable, one could argue that it is more severe than other sins. It should be noted that if you are afraid you have committed the unpardonable sin, you have not. 

Nobody can commit this sin in the present day. It will be possible to commit this sin in the future, but not at the present time. Moreover, believers should never worry they are guilty of this sin. It is impossible for believers to blasphemy the Holy Spirit in the present day as well as in the future because we would never say anything negative about the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit is our guide, our hope, and our compass (John 14:26). He is the One who helps us when we don't know what to pray or when we are overwhelmed with sorrow (Romans 8:26-27). Our friend, helper, and comforter—we can trust in Him and rest in the peace that we will never commit the unpardonable sin against Him.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Motortion 

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Lie #3: The Unforgivable Sin Is “No Big Deal”

Committing the unfogivable sin is a big deal. From the Lord's very words, we are told that it will never be forgiven (Matthew 12:22-32). Since this sin cannot be forgiven and will not be forgiven, a person cannot go to Heaven if they commit it. This means that all people who committed the unpardonable sin during Jesus’ earthly life are now in hell. For all those who commit it in the future, their fate will be the same. 

The unforgivable sin is a big deal and something we should not ignore. Even though we cannot commit this sin in the present day, we should not treat it haphazardly. For trends, such as the “blasphemy challenge” on TikTok, it shows how people would have no problem blaspheming the Holy Spirit for no reason other than to get likes. This is a sad reality, but something that needs to be addressed. 

The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is no joking matter. Jesus treated it as a very serious sin and so should we. The more we educate people now about the unpardonable sin, the more we will be able to help future generations know what the unpardonable sin and what it is not. There will be a day when the unpardonable sin can occur and all people need to be mindful.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Vadym Pastukh 

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Lie #4: The Unforgivable Sin Will Never Be Committed Again

The unpardonable sin is something that will be possible to commit in the future. As mentioned, the unpardonable sin can only happen when Jesus is presently on the earth. The Lord will return for His one thousand-year earthly reign (the Millennial Kingdom) after the end of the seven-year tribulation. At this time, Jesus will be physically walking the earth again. 

As believers, we will already have our glorified bodies by this time; however, there will still be people living in their earthly bodies. These individuals are the ones who are born out of the tribulation. There are many believers who will survive the tribulation and they will enter the Millennial Kingdom alive. Since they are alive and still have earthly bodies, they will be able to have children. 

The children that are born during the Millennial Kingdom will have to choose to either place faith in Jesus or to follow Satan. Sadly, many will choose to follow Satan rather than the Lord. In addition to following Satan rather than Jesus, they will be able to blasphemy the Holy Spirit. If they blasphemy the Holy Spirit, they will never be forgiven–they have committed an eternal sin. 

If they turn away from Satan and choose to follow Jesus instead, they will be forgiven. However, once they commit the unpardonable sin, there will be no chance of redemption and salvation. This shows us how severe the unpardonable sin is and will be in the future. All sins can be forgiven, no matter how bad—except for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. 

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/PeteWill 

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A man sitting at the foot of the cross

Lie #5: God Will Forgive The Unpardonable Sin

God can forgive all sins, yet He will not forgive the unpardonable sin (Mark 3:22-30). Some might wonder why He will forgive all sins, but not the unpardonable sin. The reason is because blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is severe. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit means speaking unholy, terrible, and evil things about the Holy Spirit. The unpardonable sin should never be spoken on anybody’s lips nor should it ever come into our minds to say. 

When the Lord returns and walks this earth again, we will see many people commit the unpardonable sin. It will be terrible and heartbreaking, yet this is what many people will do to the Holy Spirit. While we cannot control other people's actions or words, we can educate them in the truth. Through teaching others what the unpardonable sin and what it is not, we can help educate people in our modern day as well as people in the future. 

During the Millennial Kingdom, we will be serving the Lord, and it is probable that one of our roles will be teaching others about Him. This would include teaching the children who are born in the Millennial Kingdom. It is hard to think on these types of terms, but we do have the proper knowledge of the unpardonable sin and we should share this knowledge with others. 

For those who are born into the Millennial Kingdom, we need to help them understand the severity of the unpardonable sin. It is unforgivable and the lasting impact of this eternal sin will always weigh heavy on their shoulders. Everyone who is born during the Millennial Kingdom needs to be taught about the unpardonable sin, what it means, and how it can cause their eternal fate to be sealed. 

Through sharing the truth of Jesus’ love, salvation, and redemption, we can help them come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior too. Although there will be many to reject Jesus even when He is walking amongst us, we need to do all we can to point others to placing faith in Jesus. Placing faith in Jesus means eternal life, salvation, and forgiveness. However, committing the unpardonable sin will only result in pain, evil, and an eternity in darkness and separation from God.

Photo Credit: Unsplash/alirezaesmaeeli

Vivian BrickerVivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master's degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

Originally published Friday, 21 June 2024.